On June 19, 2020, Audi Canada hosted the first-ever virtual iteration of its Audi Innovation Series. The fourth annual event featured Toronto Raptors President Masai Ujiri as keynote speaker, in conversation with CBC Toronto News Anchor Dwight Drummond. Designed to highlight leadership and innovation across a variety of fields, the Audi Innovation Series has previously featured fashion icon, Tommy Hilfiger, Netflix co-founder, Marc Randolph, and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak.
In keeping with health and safety protocols, the 2020 edition of the event was recorded in-studio and shared on Audi Canada’s social media channels. Discussion centred around Ujiri’s rise to the front office ranks of the NBA and the key role that innovation and creativity have played in leading to organizational success. The full 2020 Audi Innovation Series video can be viewed on Audi Canada’s YouTube channel.
As in previous years, YBIMC was responsible for the event concept, design, execution, and the coordination of media relations outreach for press coverage.
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